Microbiome Engineering: Reprograming microbes to rewire host-microbiome interactions

Matthew ChangDr. Matthew Chang from the National University of Singapore, Singapore will join the Targeting Microbiota 2023 congress and will talk about "Microbiome Engineering: Reprograming microbes to rewire host-microbiome interactions".

The wealth of knowledge on the human microbiota composition and its roles in health and disease has recently spurred the development of novel therapeutic strategies. Moreover, with an array of genetic tools that are readily available, programmable genetic circuits can be designed, genomes can be edited and rewritten, and cells can be reprogrammed to foster novel microbiota-based interventions.

In this talk, Dr. Chang's recent work on engineering gut-resident microbes as versatile platforms equipped with clinically relevant functionalities will be presented. A particular emphasis will be placed on his team's efforts to transform gut microbes into live biotherapeutics with prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy against pathogenic infections and chronic metabolic diseases.

This work provides a strong foundation for engineering microbes to modulate host-microbiome interactions and supports the use of live biotherapeutics as a viable strategy for clinical intervention.

About Dr. Chang

Matthew Chang is Director of the National Centre for Engineering Biology, Singapore Consortium for Synthetic Biology, Wilmar-NUS Corporate Laboratory, and NUS Synthetic Biology for Clinical and Technological Innovation, and Dean’s Chair in Medicine and Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Synthetic Biology at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at the National University of Singapore. His research focuses on studying the engineering of biology to develop autonomous, programmable cells for biomedical and biomanufacturing applications. He co-founded the Global Biofoundry Alliance and the Asian Synthetic Biology Association and serves as Co-Chair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Synthetic Biology.

Join Targeting Microbiota 2023 to learn more about Dr. Chang's talk. 

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Targeting Microbiota 2023 Congress
October 17-19, 2023 - Venice
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