Practical Information - FAQ

The organizing committees decided to organize the 8th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota as an Interactive Online Meeting with live sessions that will englobe all discussions and networking between all speakers, presenters & attendees.

Conference Platform:

All contributions accepted by the scientific committee will be added to the specific conference platform prior to the conference, as indicated in the session of the program.

Pre-Recorded Contributions:

Due to restriction and time zone difference, a pre-recorded contribution can be separately viewed online from the date of the conference, October 22, 2021, until November 23rd, via the use of access code.

How to Access to all Communications (à la Carte):

Upon registration, each pre-recorded contribution can be separately viewed online from the date of the conference, October 22, 2021, until November 23rd, via the use of an access code. The "à la carte" presentations can be viewed in the comfort of your place.


As each year, 3 awards will be given: the Best Scientific Contribution, Best Short Oral Presentation and Best Poster Presentation. The best poster & short oral presentations will be selected upon the vote of all virtual attendees.

Questions, Contact, and Networking:

The conference platform allows each participant to contact speakers, attendees, and sponsors. If you wish to submit your questions to speakers, you can do it before the meeting.

You can either submit your questions on the spot to live speakers directly after their talk or network with any speaker and presenter during the slot you chose to participate in.

Chairmen and Round Table Discussion:

The Chairmen of each session will record an overview of all talks of their session. You can send also your questions to chairmen.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Interactive Online & Live Congress?

An Interactive Online & Live Congress means that the complete congress will be held virtually and the totality of the sessions will be available to anyone who wishes to view it.

All attendees can contact and get in touch with all speakers, short oral and poster presenters and vice versa. As a result, all the online audience can come together, participate in the Congress and get the same experience and content by reason of the presence of Live Slots where discussions and networking will happen according to different time zones.

In case you were unable to participate in any of the interactive slots, the event will be recorded, and will be available on-demand after the event (for at least one month after the event) so you may watch it at your convenience, and as many times as you like to refresh your memory or study a particular talk.

Like the case of usual in-person conferences, these Interactive Online & Live meetings feature a keynote lecture, discussions by the chairmen and short talks and posters presentations showcasing cutting-edge, emerging, and unpublished research.

Know more about our Interactive & Live sessions here. 

How will the schedule and programme be adapted to the online audience?

All sessions will be also recorded so that delegates can access the academic tracks either live or on-demand via the virtual platform.

The duration of the sessions has been adapted to offer the most optimized experience for all the virtual attendence.

A detailed program with color codes for activities taking place as hybrid, on-site only or online only will be available and downloadable from the ‘Program’ menu item.

All virtual participants will have the chance to join a la carte networking activities on top of the congress platform interactive features, and will also have the chance to connect with all speakers. short oral and poster presenters to exchange ideas, comments, innovations.

What are the registration options ?

Participants are encouraged to join in at least one of the Interactive slots of the congress.

The Interactive Online Conference registration includes:

– Access to live-streaming of the virtual conference programme
– Access to view the Interactive Online sessions and its slots on-demand after the conference
– Access to the conference platform to check all scientific profiles of the speakers
– Access to all attendees, speakers and organizers
– Certificate of attendance
– Access to view all abstracts electronically
– Access to view all e-posters electronically
– Book of abstracts in PDF Format

For more information about Registration:

How to Present my Communication? (Short Oral Presentation or Poster Presentation)

For Major Presentations: You are encouraged to send us a pre-recorded video of 25 minuttes of your presentation via the conference platform. You can also present live during the congress, but this will not dismiss the recording to be sent to the organizing committee.

For Short Oral Presentations: You are encouraged to pre-record your 10 minutes talks.

For Poster Presentations: We ask you to record your presentation for 5 minutes and submit the poster in PDF Format via email. 

How abstract submission and acceptance will change?

All abstract submission procedures will remain unchanged. All presentations will be submitted using our abstract submission system.

If your abstract is accepted, we will send a link to invite you to create a recording of your presentation or you can record your presentation locally and send us to microbiota (at)  The recorded presentation length will be of 10min for short oral contributions, and 5min for posters.

In the case of Poster presentations: After acceptation, authors should also submit their posters in PDF format to the platform.

What does the Interactive Online & Live Conference registration include?

You will take part in one of the slots, according to your time preferance and availability, in one of the Interactive Slots and will be free to ask any question that comes through your mind directly to the speakers present in the slot.

You can later on fix an appointment with the speaker that drew your attention via the platform. You can chat, video call this speaker and you can even have access to his full profile. This can be a great opportunity to expand your scientific network.

You will have access to live-streaming of the virtual conference program, and you can request to access the sessions later on (for a duration of 1 month after the congress).

You will also benefit from a certificate of attendance, and you will be able to view all abstracts and e-posters electronically.

Finally, you will get a book of abstracts of all presentations in a PDF Form.

Can I cancel my registration?

All cancellations must be faxed, electronically mailed or postmarked. Refund of registration fees will be as follows:

1) If you cancel before September 20 at midnight, 50% of registration fees will be refunded minus 70€ for administrative fees.
2) No refund on cancellations after September 20, 2021.
3) Substitutions are free of charge, but you must submit a letter authorizing the transfer signed by the registered delegate two days before the event starting days.

Can someone replace me if I choose not to come?

Yes, it is possible and free of charge. However, you must submit a letter authorizing the transfer signed by the registered delegate two days before the event starting days.

What if unexpected restrictive measures are issued by French authorities impacting the authorised format and capacity of the event?

Due to the fact that the Congress is changed from Hybrid (in-Person & Online) to only Interactive Online, there are 3 options:

1) The organizing committee will refund the difference between in-person participation and online participation minus 5% for administrative fees.

2) You also have the choice to participate as an online attendee for Targeting Microbiota 2021 Congress and we will offer you a free registration for Targeting Microbiota 2022.

3) In case you already paid and booked your hotel and flight, the organizing committee decided to reserve a conference room in “Université de Paris” to justify your presence. However, there will be no in-person talks.

How the Sponsors will exhibit their products?

With an advanced platform, sponsors will have a virtual space where they can expose their virtual product presentation. They can also have an online webinar link so attendees can connect directly to discuss further.

By using the platform, sponsors can get a list of attendees’ details on who visited their virtual space and chat with them directly from one single platform.

As an attendee, can I ask questions to the speakers?

Yes, the digital media platform offers a chat function where you may submit questions for the speakers. Speakers will respond to you on the spot if they are presenting live.

All speakers are included in at least one of the slots, so you will also have the chance to ask your questions and exchange ideas during these interactive & live slots.

You can also submit your questions in advance and the speakers will aferwards respond to your questions in the pre-recorded video.

If you submitted your question after viewing the presentation, the speakers will respond to your questions in the chat.

Additionally, each session will have a dedicated Chairman who can comment and answer your questions. 

Can I ask questions to the poster presenters?

You can contact them directly using the chat function via the platform during and after the conference. You can also ask them your questions live during the slots dedicated to discussion & networking.

 Microbiota logo

Do you have other questions?

Please contact us here.