What are the effects of gut bacterial metabolites on cardiovascular risk?

Marcin Ufnal Microbiota 2018 SpeakerDr Marcin Ufnal from Medical University of Warsaw, Poland will join the Porto Microbiota 2018 Congress which will be held in October 28-30, 2018, at Porto, Portugal and will talk about "The effect of gut bacterial metabolites on cardiovascular risk" during the congress.

Dr Ufnal will highlight: "Gut bacteria-produced compounds enter the bloodstream and affect the circulatory system. For example, trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), a gut bacteria metabolite of L-carnitine and choline, has recently emerged as a new diagnostic marker and mediator of increased cardiovascular risk. However, the mechanism is not clear.Recently we have found that high sodium intake and treatment with ACE-inhibitors affect blood concentration of TMAO in rats. This suggests that plasma level of gut bacterial metabolites may correlate with interventions modifying cardiovascular risk."

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