Abstract & Project Submissions

The International Society of Microbiota (ISM) invites researchers, healthcare professionals, industry experts, and startups to submit abstracts and project proposals that align with the conference’s themes and objectives. This is an excellent opportunity to share  your cutting-edge research, innovative projects, and impactful ideas with a global audience.

Targeting Microbiota 2023 is excited to host an Innovation Showcase, providing a dedicated platform for startups, industry leaders, and innovators to demonstrate their groundbreaking technologies, products, and services in the field of microbiota research.

2 submission types are available:

1. Regular Abstract Submission

Researchers and professionals are encouraged to submit abstracts highlighting their work in the field of microbiota. Abstracts should provide a concise summary of the research objectives, methods, key findings, and their implications in future research. Accepted abstracts will be presented as posters or oral presentations during the conference sessions, allowing participants to showcase their work and engage in fruitful discussions.

Targeting Microbiota 2023 is also excited to host an Innovation Showcase, providing a dedicated platform for startups, industry leaders, and innovators to demonstrate their groundbreaking technologies, products, and services in the field of microbiota research. Participants in the Innovation Showcase will have the chance to showcase their products through interactive displays, demonstrations, and presentations. 

Deadline for Oral Presentations Submission: September 30, 2023.

Deadline for Innovation Submission: September 30, 2023.

Deadline for Posters Presentations Submission: October 7, 2023.

Submission Guidelines & Modalities.

2. Project Proposals

In addition to abstract submissions, the conference welcomes project proposals that offer new insights into the complex interplay between phages and the human microbiome and to pave the way for innovative, effective, and personalized phage therapies. Proposals should outline the project’s objectives, methodologies, expected outcomes, and potential impact in the field. Accepted project proposals may have the opportunity to be featured in dedicated sessions or workshops during the conference, providing a platform to discuss and collaborate with other participants.

Learn more about the Phage-Microbiome Consortium.

Deadline for Project Proposal Submission: September 1, 2023.